ماذا يكون 8 سلسلة من الصناعات التطبيقية لألواح الألومنيوم?


Aluminum panels is a often-seen metal product used for both industrial and non-industrial applications. In most cases, it can be difficult to choose the right aluminum grade for your intended application. This article is to provide a brief introduction to the aluminum alloys used in the field of aluminum panels, or aluminum panel, so as to help people in aluminum panel industry to make their decision on the choice of aluminum alloy.

According to the naming of the national standard aluminum panels grades, aluminum panelss can be roughly divided into 8 series :

Alloy 1××× , Alloy 2×××, Alloy 3×××, Alloy 4×××, Alloy 5×××, Alloy 7×××, Alloy 8××× .

We have compiled a short breakdown of each of the grades’ properties in order to provide you with a brief understanding of their many uses.

① Alloy 1×××

What is ——

Alloy 1××× is industrial pure aluminum with the highest aluminum content among these 8 series, which is not less than 99.00%. Excellent elongation, tensile strength, plasticity and corrosion resistance are just some of its features. Its production process is not that difficult and the production technology is mature. Another advantage is its low price. لكن, the strength is low and it is easy to be deformed by compression.

Used for ——

Signs and billboards

Signs, billboards

aluminum panel Wall decoration

Wall decoration

Kitchen utensils

Kitchen utensils

Chemical equipment, electronic devices

Chemical equipment, electronic devices

في الوقت الحالي, ال 1100, 1050 و 1060 series of aluminum panels are widely used in the building decoration industry.

② Alloy 2×××

What is ——

It is an aluminum-copper alloy aluminum panel (Al-Cu), with copper as the main alloy element, which is between 3-5%. Alloy 2××× has high hardness, good machining performance, certain heat resistance and it can be heat treated. لكن, its corrosion resistance is poor.

Used for ——

Industries and products that require high strength and high temperature resistance, مثل

Aircraft structures

Aircraft structures

Missile components

Missile components

Spacecraft parts,and ship bodies

Spacecraft parts,and ship bodies

③ Alloy 3×××

What is ——

It is an aluminum-manganese alloy aluminum panel (Al-Mn), also known as rust-proof aluminum panel, with manganese as the main alloying element, which is between 1.0-1.5%. Its strength is higher than that of the Alloy 1××× aluminum sheet, and it has good formability, weldability and corrosion resistance.

Used for ——

Industries with high requirements for anti-corrosion and anti-rust, مثل:

Automobile manufacturing industry

Automobile manufacturing industry

Electronic manufacturing industry

Electronic manufacturing industry

Building decoration industry

Building decoration industry

في الوقت الحالي, سبيكة 3003 و 3004 are widely used in the building decoration industry.

④ Alloy 4×××

What is ——

It is an aluminum-silicon alloy aluminum panel (Al-Si), with silicon as the main alloying element, which is usually between 4.5-6.0%. Alloy 4××× has high strength, low melting point, good corrosion resistance, good wear resistance, and small thermal expansion coefficient.

Used for ——

welding materials

welding materials

⑤ Alloy 5×××

What is ——

It is an aluminum-magnesium alloy aluminum panel (Al-Mg), with magnesium as the main alloy element. This alloy possesses good processing and forming performance, المقاومة للتآكل, welding performance, إلخ.

Used for ——

It is widely used in conventional industries because of its low density and lighter weight than other series of aluminum sheets. It is also commonly used in ship structures, aircraft fuel tanks, automobile fuel tanks, إلخ.

في الوقت الحالي, 5052 aluminum panels are widely used in the building decoration industry.

⑥ Alloy 6×××

What is ——

It is an aluminum-magnesium-silicon alloy aluminum panel (Al-Mg-Si), with magnesium and silicon as the main alloying elements. It has medium strength, good corrosion resistance, good weldability and oxidation effect.

Used for ——

Industries and products with high requirements for corrosion resistance and oxidation resistance. Such as:

Window frame

Window frame

Industrial profiles

Industrial profiles

⑦ Alloy 7×××

What is ——

It is an aluminum-zinc alloy aluminum panel [Al-Zn-Mg-(النحاس)], with zinc as the main alloying element. It is a super hard aluminum alloy with good mechanical properties, wear resistance and fatigue resistance. As it has poor corrosion resistance so should be covered with other aluminum materials or other protective treatments.

Used for ——

Aerospace equipment materials, and also widely used in various machinery, molds and other processing fields.


Missile components

Industrial profiles

Industrial profiles

electronic components

Industrial profiles

Among so many series, aluminum alloy 1×××, alloy 3××× and alloy 5××× are more commonly used aluminum alloy, among which the following tempers are most widely used:

1060ح24, 1100ح14, 1100ح24, 3003ح14, 3003ح24, 5052H32

في نفس الوقت, we have made a brief summary of various specifications of aluminum panels, please see the following table

aluminum panel for different uses_副本

Summary of aluminum sheet sizes for different uses and alloys

Aluminum panel



Thickness (mm)


Pure aluminum panel

Pure aluminum panel

1050/1060/ 1070/ 1100 /1200



Alloy aluminum panel

Alloy aluminum panel

2A21/3003 /5052 /5083 6061/6082 /8011



Curtain wall perforated aluminum panel

Curtain wall perforated aluminum panel

1060/ 1100



Aluminum coils

Aluminum coils

1060/1100 /8011/3003,/3004/5052

0.1- 10


المضادة للتآكل, anti-rust and thermal insulation special aluminum coil

Anti-corrosion, anti-rust and thermal insulation special aluminum coil



600– 2000

Special aluminum coil material for power plant

Special aluminum coil material for power plant




Color Coated Aluminum Coil/Embossed Aluminum Coil

Color Coated Aluminum CoilEmbossed Aluminum Coil

1100/1060 /3003



Household Box / Cutlery Box Aluminum Foil

Household Box Cutlery Box Aluminum Foil


0. 009–0. 08

Food Flexible Packaging Box Aluminum Foil

Food Flexible Packaging Box Aluminum Foil



Air conditioner foil (hydrophilic tank)

Air conditioner foil (hydrophilic tank)


0.07- 0.25

Patterned aluminum panel(non-slip aluminum panel)

Patterned aluminum panel (non-slip aluminum panel)




Aluminum disc

Aluminum disc


0.4 -10

Diameter: 100–1250mmcould be made

Aluminum triangle panel

Aluminum triangle panel


0.4 -10

Edge length 60cm,70cm,90cm could be made

Transformer special aluminum Coil

Transformer special aluminum Coil



Aluminum-plastic composite special aluminum Coil

Aluminum-plastic composite special aluminum Coil


0.12– -0. 3

Coil for Aluminum box and cable covering

Coil for Aluminum box and cable covering



Embossed aluminum sheet (Coil)

Embossed aluminum sheet (Coil)




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