Backdrop decoration with aluminum punch panel in Malaysia

On May 30th, Miss Vivian, sent us an inquiry about aluminum punched panels for the decoration of backdrop. After several days of communication, we made consensus and sent two sets of samples with two different colors to Malaysia for quality check and installation.

As the building is not finished, the actual size should be confirmed before moving forward, which took almost a month.

On September 13th, production drawing was confirmed. Mass production began. The products were loaded on October 5th.

Project preview

Overall Introduction

Ligging: Maleisië

Area: roughly 173 vierkante meter.

Thickness of the panels: 2.5mm

Oppervlak behandeling: PVDF-bespuiting

Kleur: RAL 7040

Installation Method: seam installation

Corner bracket: countersink

Rib reinforcement: Not required


Sample Confirmation

aluminum perforated panel sample for client

Installation Method Confirmation

aluminum cladding installation Method Confirmation

Difficulty of the Project

Solution 1: Black glue: na installasie, the overall effect is not satisfactory as shown below. This solution is not selected.

after installation of panel

Solution 2: aluminum trim: too many angles among the panels, will be too difficult to cut and install onsite. Abandoned.

Final solution: using wood trim to caulk. This solution is suggested by Vivian and the effect is satisfactory.

Why seam installation instead of seamless splicing installation?

As there are lights behind the aluminum punched panels, if using seamless splicing installation, the maintenance of lamps will be inconvenient and also cost too much labor and money. Op dieselfde tyd, as the wall of backdrop is not finished, considering that there will be tolerance, seamless installation will not be suitable.

Egter, if use seam installation, the problems above will not be problems.

Drawing Revision

Original Drawing

Original Drawing


Revised Drawing

Revised Drawing


Production Drawing Confirmation

Production Drawing Confirmation



Punching process


Aluminum plate bending process


Welding process


Conner Grinding

Corner Bracket

Corner Bracket


Aluminum plate Surface Polishing

PVDF Spraying

PVDF Spraying process
PVDF Spraying 2



By Alumideas , our products are widely used for exterior and interior in architecture and building, shopping mall, hospitaal, metro station, railway station etc. For multifunctional advantage like ventilation, decoration, partition, excellent in lights transmission and so on.

If any requirement for Aluminum decorative panel please contact us ! We will offer the best quote and service !


Onlangse plasings

Suspended Ceiling Project

Basic Information of Project Application: Suspended ceiling Project Location: Quanzhou City, China Year of Completion: 2024 Area: 600 sq.m Fabricator: Foshan Alumideas Co., Ltd More

Three-dimensional structure cladding project

The office building, which is situated in Moka, Mauritius, is composed of 1,180 aluminium panele, with a total area of 2,655 vierkante meter. The length and width of the aluminum panel are both 1.5 meters. Bedek met PVDF Kynar 500 in silwer kleur, die 2,5 mm geriffelde panele versier die kantoorgebou met hul kenmerkende estetiese voorkoms.

Stuur vir ons 'n boodskap

Kopiereg © Foshan Alumideas Co., Ltd. Alle regte voorbehou.

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