Elevate your construction projects with our ACM Building Material, a pinnacle of practicality and aesthetic excellence. Engineered for versatility, this Aluminum Composite Material seamlessly combines lightweight construction with robust durability. Its sleek design offers a modern aesthetic, while easy installation and low maintenance redefine convenience. Choose a sustainable solution that transcends architectural norms, providing not just a building material but an embodiment of innovation. With our ACM, achieve structural integrity, design flexibility, and enduring elegance – a testament to modern construction’s seamless fusion of form and function.
Ingoa Hua | acm building material |
Ingoa Waitohu | Alumida |
Tau tauira | A-56012 |
Whakamahinga | Architectural Facades, Exterior Cladding, Interior Design |
Mahi | B2 Fireproof, water-proof, self-cleaning, weather-resistance |
Te maimoatanga mata | PVDF spraying/ Powder coating / anozided |
Tae | Tae RAL, nga tae o te kaihoko, Pantone colors, facotry’s colors |
Waitohu Whakakikorua | World well-known brands: DNT, AKZO, NIPPON |
Rauemi | Aluminum Alloy AA1006 H14, 1100 H24 , 3003, 5032, 6063 etc. |
matotoru | 3.0 mm-5.0mm |
Rahi paerewa | 4*8 ft/ 1220*2440 mm |
Rahi mōrahi | 5*17ft / 1600*5100mm |
Taupānga | Interior Wall Cladding, Nga Wharangi Hangahanga, hainatanga |
Te kaha whakaputa | 30,000 Mita tapawha/marama |
Te wa tuku | 15-30 nga ra |
Ratonga muri-hoko | Aratohu whakaurunga ipurangi |
Te Wahi Taketake | Taone o Foshan, Porowini o Guangdong , Haina |
Tuhipoka | Size under 1220*2440 mm will be less expensive than above 1220*2440 mm |
SWe are a factory located in Foshan with more than 12 tau o te wheako. Hei wheketere, ehara i te mea he utu tika me te kounga pai engari he wheako ratonga pai ano etahi o nga kamupene hokohoko pai.
Ka whakaratohia e matou te 1100H24 me te 3003H24. Mena ka hiahia koe ki tetahi pereti konumohe konumohe motuhake, tena koa whakamarama mai.
Kei a matou nga miihini CNC mo te pupuhi me te whakairo, nga miihini laser mo te whakapiri me te whakairo, mihini whakakopa, nga miihini hurihuri arc, mihini huri, te rehu raina whakaputa, me nga raina PVDF hei whakatutuki i nga whakaritenga whakaputa me nga whakaritenga.
Pono. Ka taea e koe te whiriwhiri i to waitohu pai. Kua mahi tahi matou me etahi tohu o te ao penei i a Tiger, Akzo Nobel, me te PPG. Tena koa kia mohio matou ki o hiahia i mua i te whakahua.
Ko ta maatau papa konumohe e whakamahia nuitia ana i roto i nga papa o roto me waho o te pakitara / whaa, nga tuanui iri, nga pou takai, wehewehenga o roto, arai arawhata, taupee arai, me etahi atu waahi. Ka whakamahia mo te whakapaipai ki te taapiri i nga mea whakapaipai ki to tatou waahi noho.
Te takai:
Nga Tikanga Tuku:
– LCL (Iti iho i te Uta Ipu): Mo nga utanga nui, mahi matou pakari, ISPM 15 Ko nga pouaka rakau kua whakakikoruatia e tika ana hei whakakore i nga tirohanga mo nga tikanga me te kore e hiahia whakangao.
– FCL (Uta Ipu Katoa): Ina hoko koe i te rūnanga katoa, ka tino tupato matou ki te aukati i te kino i te wa e kawe ana ma te whakanoho i nga takai rakau ki te turanga o te ipu.
– Kei te waatea te kawe tereina, me ta maatau mahi tahi me nga tereina utauta a Haina-Europe e whakarato ana i te penapena wa nui me te pai, otira mo nga whenua kua noho whenua.
– Whiriwhiria te tikanga kawe waka hono-moana, e hono ana i nga tauranga takutai moana me nga reriwe, te whakarato i te utu-whai hua me te iti o te paanga o te taiao i whakaritea ki te kawe waka wai a te iwi.
+86 13143187082
Ko Alumideas he konumohe whakakikorua pakitara me te kaihanga punaha tuanui o roto i Haina. Ka whakaratohia e matou he otinga kotahi-mutu mo o kaupapa whakakai whakapaipai o roto me waho. Tonoa he korero inaianei!
Ka whakapā atu matou ki a koe i roto 1 ra mahi, kia aro mai ki te imeera me te kumara “@alumideas.com”.
Ko te Whakawhitinga Korero Tere ka awhina i a maatau ki te mahi pai atu ki a koe
Tikina he korero tere mai i a maatau kaitohutohu ngaio.
Ka whakapā atu matou ki a koe i roto 1 ra mahi, kia aro mai ki te imeera me te kumara “@alumideas.com”.