Questions & Answers

Answered by Alumideas Project Evaluation Team, a expert team with 15 years of experience in the cladding industry

What is the average lifespan of a metal roof?

1 Answer

Panneau de façade pare-soleil en aluminium

The average lifespan of a metal roof, such as galvanized steel, typically ranges from 40 à 70 années. This longevity is attributed to the material’s durability and resistance to various weather conditions. Factors influencing its lifespan include the thickness of the zinc coating, the method of galvanization, environmental exposure, and the level of maintenance. Proper installation and regular care, such as cleaning and addressing damage promptly, are crucial for extending the roof’s life. En plus, painting or coating can offer extra protection. While metal roofs may have a higher initial cost, their long lifespan and low maintenance can provide significant savings over time.

Alumideas Project Evaluation Team
Alumideas Project Evaluation Team

June 20, 2024

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