Questions & Answers

Answered by Alumideas Project Evaluation Team, a expert team with 15 years of experience in the cladding industry

What is the code for ACP panel?

1 Answer

The center of an Aluminium Composite Panel (ACP) is really important because it decides what the panel can do. Some common materials for the center are polyethylene (PE), which is good for saving money and being able to do lots of things, flame retardant (FR) cores, which are good for keeping fires away, and even higher grade FR cores like A2 and B1, which are even better at not catching on fire. When choosing what material to use for the center, it’s important to think about what the panel will be used for and how safe it needs to be in different environments.

Alumideas Project Evaluation Team
Alumideas Project Evaluation Team

October 3, 2024

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