Fragen & Antworten

Beantwortet vom Projektbewertungsteam von Alumideas, ein Expertenteam mit 15 Jahrelange Erfahrung in der Fassadenbranche

What is the difference between aluminum composite panel and aluminum sheet?

1 Antwort

Konstruktion aus Aluminium-Verbundplatten

Aluminium-Verbundplatten (AKP) and aluminum sheets are both used in construction and design, but they differ in composition and properties. ACP consists of two thin aluminum sheets bonded to a non-aluminum core, often made of plastic (polyethylene). This composite structure provides dimensional stability, flame resistance, and sound insulation, making it ideal for exterior cladding and signage. Aluminum sheets, on the other hand, are made from a single piece of aluminum and are known for their malleability and formability. They are lighter, easier to cut and shape, and are often used for a variety of applications, including roofing, Innenausstattung, and custom fabrications. While ACP offers structural strength and rigidity, aluminum sheets provide flexibility and ease of use.

Projektbewertungsteam von Alumideas
Projektbewertungsteam von Alumideas

Mai 29, 2024

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